ED visits BSI

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The Executive Director of ENISA made a key note speech at the official inauguration ceremony of the new BSI President Mr Michael Hange in Bonn, Germany, taking place in the former German Bundestag.

At BSI, (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, i.e. the German Federal Office for Information Security,  Dr Helmbrecht stated in his speech  [in German only] that:

‘The expectations on the national bodies and ENISA are high. To be successful, we in particular need to work closely with the national administrations and industry.” He also underlined, that ‘in the area of CIIP, and the build up of a national, governmental CERTs in all 27 Member States, this must be supported commonly by ENISA, BSI and ANSSI.’

400 participants attended the event, including many top level security profiles whom are also part of the ENISA Management Board members. These included the new BSI President Mr Hange and the French Director General of ANSSI, (Agence Nationale de la sécurité des systèms d'information) Mr Patrick Pallioux whom also made a keynote speech. Also attending from the ENISA Management Board were Dr Rannenberg and the Austrian CIO, and the Chair of the ENISA Management Board, Dr Reinhard Posch.

See link to BSI PR [in German only].

Whilst in Germany, the ED also made a presentation on wireless networks at the "Universität der Bundeswehr", among other engagements, e.g. with media.

ENISA Executive Director Dr Helmbrecht, BSI President Dr Helmbrecht Dr Hange and Mr Pailloux at BSIMr Hange, ANSSI DG Mr Pallioux, in the former German Bundestag. Image credit to: Luckhardt / <kes>